About Us

Welcome to The Ameys Make Everything. We started this adventure out of our apartment in Wisconsin in 2019, but lets rewind a little bit.
We met in a community service organization while we were both in college at Clemson University. Though we couldn’t have been more different (Savannah, a biochemistry major from rural NC and Max, a Graphic Communications major from the suburbs of NJ) we clicked immediately. We were friends for about a year and a half until we decided to give this thing a chance. #NoRegrets
We got engaged in November of 2018 and are planning on getting married in the Blue Ridge Mountains in October of 2020. 
After our college graduations we up and moved from SC to Wisconsin, 14 hours away from everyone and everything we knew. Out of that move came the business. Without as many friends to spend our time with we kept ourselves busy trying different crafts, some that we had done before and some that were completely new. We were huge fans of giving people gifts that we had made and saw an opportunity to be able to share what we were making with more people, (and if it helped us build up a wedding fund that would just be an added bonus). 
While we are still a new and growing business we are so grateful for all of our dear friends and customers who have gotten us to this point. 
With love, 
Max & Savannah